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Landmark Group of Builders

Youth Volunteer Scholarship

The Landmark Group of Builders Youth Volunteer Scholarship has been established to honour Helen Erickson & Dorothy Bishop who were its key founders. This scholarship is available to individuals who have been registered in the AHS Youth Volunteer Program within the past year, who reside in or have their permanent address within 100 kilometres of Red Deer, and who are pursuing post-secondary education in a healthcare-related field. 


Up to $2,500 will be awarded annually to an individual. Scholarship may be withheld if a suitable candidate is not identified. As outlined in the Health Professions Act, scholarship(s) may cover the following levels of post-secondary education at a recognized academic institution:


  • Credit course from a certified educational institution

  • Clinical certification program

  • Accredited medical program



  • Must be enrolled in and attending grade 12 or completed grade 12 within the past year.

  • Must be accepted into a recognized healthcare-related field.

  • Must have been registered and actively participated within the last year in the AHS Youth Volunteer Program

  • Must demonstrate a commitment to academic success through positive influence, regular attendance, etc. as specified in supporting documents including high school transcripts.

  • Must demonstrate community involvement and leadership abilities as specified in supporting documents.

  • Must have a permanent address within a 100km radius of Red Deer.

  • Any successful candidates must provide his/her social insurance number.


Volunteer Program with a minimum of:

  • One year of service (2 semesters) volunteering a minimum of 30 hours,

  • Work experience hours will not be considered as eligible hours.



Applications are accepted until March 1st, 2024.  


Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.


Applications should be returned (with all required documentation) to:


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